Grease Trap Installation & Cleaning

Grease trap cleaning isn’t just an option, it’s a mandate by the formidable fire code and unyielding regulations. EMC will handpick the perfect grease containment unit, repair it, install it, or clean it with precision.

Regular maintenance of grease traps is vital to ward off the relentless accumulation of Fat, Oil and Grease (FOG) that can otherwise choke your drainage pipes, potentially triggering a catastrophic sewage back up. Neglecting this duty could set the stage for a nightmarish scenario, and entangling you in a web of city code violations and exorbitant repair costs. Grease, once heated beyond its vaporization point, becomes a dormant fire breathing dragon.

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Let us handle the complexities of compliance and cleanliness allowing you to focus on what truly matters ; 
delivering exceptional cuisine to your patrons.